New "Champion of Asia-Oceania" Challenge, a new intra-club competition
There are six well-participated contests where a California station can win and/or have fun. Based on how many of them in which you participate, you will automatically be entered into a category (see below). The winners will be announced on November 20th of each year. Details can be found HERE
NCCC Annual KB Competition
Purpose: To provide a means of rewarding NCCC members who are DX contesters, sprinters, VHFers, and especially active contesters.
Time period: The contest year starts March 1. ARRL DX SSB is the first contest of the year. NAQP RTTY is the last.
Eligible contests: See the rules for current list.
Scoring: Score = number of contests in which you participated * sum of (points for each contest * each contest's multiplier).
Note: NCCC weekly sprints are special. Points for the entire year are added up, but it is only counted as a single contest.
Multi-ops: Points = total score divided by the number of operators.
Station owners: A station owner who does not participate in a particular contest receives 25% of the points.
Score Reporting: Only scores posted to are counted.
Awards: Only Paid NCCC members may receive awards.
Brackets: There are four independent brackets for the purpose of awards: 1-Platinum, 2- Gold, 3-Silver, and 4-Bronze. Your bracket is assigned automatically at the beginning of the contest year according to your final position in the previous year’s standings. If you believe your current bracket is incorrect, please contact NA6O.
Complete Rules can be downloaded from HERE
Current KB Rankings shown HERE
Current KB Raw Data shown HERE
Worked All California Counties Award (W.A.C.C.)
The Northern California Contest Club sponsors the WACC award for stations working all 58 California counties. An excellent way to do this is during the annual CQP (California QSO Party) held the first weekend of October. Questions can be answered by Fred Jensen, K6DGW
5 Meg Award Program
The 5 Meg award has generated a lot of interest since it started in July 1986. This award is intended to give recognition for sustained efforts by NCCC members. All too often club members compete with moderate stations, year-in and year-out without a reasonable chance actually to win major awards. The Five Million Point Award is designed to rectify this situation. This award is issued on a once-per-person basis. From time to time, the rules and standings will be published in the JUG. Any questions about the rules, or of any points totals should be addressed to Byron Servies, NA6O
California QSO Party Awards
Each year 35 plaques are awarded to participants in the CQP contest. In addition, anyone submitting a log with 100 or more QSOs receives a personalized Certificate. Details can be found on the CQP website.
RTTY RoundUp Awards
Each January, NCCC competes in the ARRL RTTY Roundup contest. The club has won the RoundUp gavel 8 times over the last decade. Individual participation awards and plaques are given out at the annual awards meeeting each year.
Jim Maxwell Sweepstakes Award
In memory of Jim Maxwell, W6CF, a plaque is awarded annually by the NCCC to the individual who has made the greatest contribution to the club's Sweepstakes effort. This award has been discontinued.
Past Winners include:
2005 Marc, W6ZZZ
2006 Marc, W6ZZZ
2007 Marc, W6ZZZ
2008 Bob, N6WG
2009 Jack, KF6T
2010 Chris, N6WM
2011 Bob, K6XX
2112 Bob, K6XX
2013 Bob, K6XX
2014 Alan, AD6E
Last award; discontinued after 2014 |
Jim Maxwell Memorial Trophy
Just for reference, there is another award honoring the memory of Jim Maxwell. It is not sponsored by NCCC, but is included here for completeness. It's the Jim Maxwell Memorial Trophy awarded annually to the highest scoring single operator, operating unassisted, within the state of California, in the ARRL CW DX Contest. This large, beautiful trophy, originated by Jim Neiger, N6TJ, was first awarded in April 2005 at the IDXC meeting in Visalia. Each year since then a new winner is inscribed on the trophy base, as it changes hands.
CQ WW DX Awards
Founder's Award - In honor of NCCC Co-Founder Jim Neiger (N6TJ). Single Operator award for highest combined scores (CW + SSB) in CQ WW DX contest. The winner must be an NCCC member, inside the 175-mile club membership circle.
(click image to enlarge) |
K6RU Memorial Trophy - Note: This award has been discontinued. Honoring strong NCCC supporter Cam Pierce (K6RU). Station award for the Top Scoring California Multi-Multi station. Both modes needed (CW + SSB).
Annual Operating Awards
- Contester-Of-The-Year
- Elmer Award
- Inspiration Award
- Most Improved Contester
- Operating Excellence - CW Mode
- Operating Excellence - Digital / RTTY Mode
- Operating Excellence - SSB Mode
- President's Award
- Rookie-Of-The Year
- Team Builder
NCCC-Sponsored Awards
ARRL RTTY Roundup: Pacific Division, Single Operator High Power winner.
CQWW WPX CW: Singe Operator, High Power, All Bands, USA Zone 3
CQWW WPX CW: Singe Operator, Combined SSB and CW, California
CQWW WPX CW: Singe Operator, Combined RTTY, SSB and CW, California
CQ WW RTTY: Annual Club Competition plaque.